Games News Nintendo Switch
Latest Super Mario News
Posted on November 11, 2020 at 12:04 pm
To celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Super Mario, Nintendo did several special releases this fall to commemorate this incredible classic. September saw the release of the Super Mario 3D All-stars which included an omnibus collection of Mario games that were originally released for either the Nintendo 64, Gamecube and Wii. Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy can be purchased as one package either in a physical or digital version but is only available until 31 March 2021!!
Other note-worthy Mario releases this year, released as of October, are the Super Mario Bros 35, which is designed like a Tetris 99 model and pits other players against each other in a battle royale. This game is free to NSO subscribers and offers a fun new way to ‘Mario’. Additionally, October saw the release of Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit. This Mario Kart version is similar to the Mario Bros 35 in that you are also competing against other players and like 35, offers a fun new remix of a classic game.
Posted in Games, News, Nintendo Switch