Black Ops 3
Posted on November 2, 2015 at 1:41 pm
There are a few mega names when it comes to weight in the gaming world. Those games so mainstream, so popular that their popularity transcends the genre and become these sort of cultural events all over the world. Halo used to be one, but now Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto hold the crown. People take days off work and call in sick. Major films delay their releases to avoid the bigger games in the world so they do not lose money. These things are a big deal.
Call of Duty has never really appealed to me though. The competitive first person landscape is not quite for me any more – especially the fast paced, high intensity balls to the wall nonsense of the Call of Duty franchise. Still, I recognise a well designed game when I see one. The series is obviously doing something right to pull in the numbers that it does.
Posted in Games